Alterations Terms of Service

Lace Alterations

Lace Alterations Rules and Fees

Service Liability:

Lace Alterations is not entitled to provide services for free. Service fees will be applied at our discretion when it applies. Below is a list provided to inform our customers of all fees that may apply.

Cancellation Policy:

In the event I need to cancel my appointment, I will notify Lace Alterations no later than 24 hours before my scheduled appointment time. Failure to notify in time will incur a $30 no-refundable cancelation fee that can be applied to future appointments booked. I must pay this rebooking fee before future appointments are rebooked. Any appointment or service I have not canceled within 24 hours of the scheduled date and time falls under the Lace Alterations cancellation policy protocol. If I have any questions regarding this policy, I will communicate them before committing to an appointment. 


Late Policy:

If I arrive more than 15 minutes late to my appointment without notifying the salon, I am considered a no-show, and the cancellation policy applies. If I have notified Lace Alterations and was acknowledged by Lace Alterations, I will receive the services the stylist has time for, not what was originally booked. This might mean I leave without all services provided, the requirement to make a follow-up appointment, or the rebooking of my appointment completely, etc. 


Photo/Video Release:

I give permission to allow or deny Lace Alterations to use any and all photos or videos taken during my appointment for marketing efforts including but not limited to: social media, website, emails, or digital marketing.


Service Adjustment Policy:

If I am not completely content, I will notify Lace Alterations during my service or within one to two days after my service has been performed. Corrections can be made if they fall into the services discussed and agreed upon during my consultation. This does not cover if I have changed my mind after the consultation or alterations have been provided and agreed upon at check out. I must request service adjustments within one to two days of my initial appointment.

Merchandise Return Policy:

All merchandise including but not limited to jewelry, undergarments, bust tape, veils, etc. do not qualify for exchange.


Shop Etiquette:

Discriminatory/derogatory statements and actions are prohibited in our establishment and will not be tolerated. Our staff has the right to refuse service to anyone behaving improperly, intoxicated, or if their state of health may influence the effects of the service.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

Every customer has the right to privacy and confidentiality. The conversations I have with my seamstress will remain confidential. Customer information and email lists are confidential and will not be sold or shared with outside companies.

Pinning Fee:

The fee of $50 is applied at our discretion when verbal consent is given by the customer during your alteration appointment. Once the service has begun and a seamstress provides work on your garment, this is no longer a consultation but a full appointment. (Pins are not included in the fee, this is a fee for time spent with our alterations specialist.)

Cutting Fee:

The fee for all work provided during your appointment must be paid in full once verbal consent is given from the customer to the seamstress to complete the work requested. Once a gown has been cut all fees associated with that act must be paid in full regardless of the situation. 

Personal Cancellation Fee:

If the wedding is canceled or if you decide to forgo services provided a minimum fee of $50 for pinning as well as the dollar amount of all alteration services provided before cancellation will be required before the garment in question is returned to the customer. Lace Alterations is not required to refund money received for services already provided. The customer will be refunded only a portion of the payment if work hasn’t been provided. If all work has been provided as agreed upon by signature during payment no refund will be provided.

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